
Jussie Smolletts attack staged?

Attack on Jussie Smolletts may be Staged

USPA NEWS - Multiple news agencies asked to remove or re write stories by police after news agencies report the attack on Jussie Smollett was a hoax.

Thursday feb 14th 2019, Police investigating the attack on Jussie Smollett had to call multiple News agencies that had reported the attack was a hoax to have their reports taken down because police investigators have not made any determination at this time. one news agency stating they have a contact within the department however investigators with the case saying that is just not true.
On January 29th the empire star told police he had “been attacked at 2 a.m. that morning by two white men who yelled racial and homophobic slurs, put a rope around his neck, and doused him in bleach as well as yelled MEGA Country“.

A day ago, the star appeared in an interview to try to state his case because most people thought it was a hoax.

Today, multiple news organizations stated that “Police Believe Jussie Smollett Attack was Staged“

After local police contacted multiple news organizations to have the news organizations withdraw the eledged staging report, they officially came out with a tweet saying
“Media reports about the Empire incident being a hoax are unconfirmed by case detectives“

So, what does this all mean?
As of now, police are still investigating after identifying the 2 men in the video. They are also interviewing Jussie. The department has not made a statement on whether or not the case may be a hoax or if Jussie has anything to do with the event.

local police ask that the media wait for a press release before making up stories.
So, what do I think? As this time, I still go by my original statement on GAAQ radio, anthropologically I did not see potential scarring or any signs of trauma or bruising from the video of him the day he was released from the hospital. The small cut on the right side of his face seems to be the only wounds found on the star after the attack. Usually, and by reviewing the servalince video played by multiple news organizations would make a person of reasonable intelligence suggest more visible facial wounds and bruising should be visible.
Does this mean the attack was a hoax? Again, I can´t speculate, however I would not be surprised if this was a hoax. I feel that worst things would have happened if this “attack“ was real. If for some reason this was not a hoax “questionable“ I would say the actor is very VERY lucky.
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